A Guide To Front Splits : Workshop by Anusha Swamy | Sep 15th 10am to 11.30am | Harrington Road


Introduction to Front Split Drills

Practicing front splits requires dedication and the right drills to improve flexibility and strength. This guide will help you understand the essential practices to master your front split technique.

Warm-Up Exercises

Before diving into intensive front split drills, it’s essential to perform warm-up exercises. That’s exactly what we’re going to practice and learn in this session. Warming up prepares your muscles and joints for more strenuous splits practice.

Core Front Split Drills

Key drills for front split practice include hamstring stretches, hip flexor stretches, and seated forward bends. Consistent practice of these drills will incrementally increase your flexibility and ability to perform front splits more comfortably however there are effective methods in doing this.

Consistency and Patience

Mastering the front split takes time and consistent practice. Patience is vital; never push your body beyond its limits, and always listen to pain signals. With dedicated efforts, you will eventually achieve a flawless front split. this class is a guide, you must continue practicing to achieve the desired results.


Things to bring :

A pair of Socks

yoga mat or knee pads if you have knee issues
